Our last blog covered How to Prepare for a Flood before they happen. Now we want to provide you with tips on what to do if you find yourself in a flood.
Remember: Some floods can be predicted, but the most common type of flood, a flash flood, is completely unpredictable.
If in your home:
-Turn off all utilities in the home.
-Grab each family members emergency backpacks and waterproof flashlights.
-If time, bring outdoor furniture indoors.
-Position sandbags, like these sandless sandbag, at entrances of home to stop water from entering.
-Move essential items to higher ground in home.
If you must leave your home:
-Do not forget your emergency kits and waterproof flashlights.
-Do not walk through moving water. It only takes 6 inches to knock a grown man down.
-Do not drive in flooded areas. Move to higher ground and abandon your car if necessary.