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3 Fun Things You Can Do With an LED Glow Stick

texting and drivingGlow sticks are a great way to light your path or be seen by passing motorists when you’re out on a night walk, but they also offer plenty of fun opportunities.

Thanks to the LEDs, these glow sticks can last much longer than conventional glow sticks and other light sources, but they’re more than just survival tools. LED glow sticks offer plenty of fun. Here are some fun things you can do with your LED glow sticks.

1. Light your jack o’ lantern.

Halloween is right around the corner, which means it’s the prime season for carving pumpkins. As great as candles are, LED glow sticks offer a consistent glow to make your work of art shine without the potential dangers of burning your pumpkin or your fingers. Glow sticks also come in different colors, allowing you to add different effects to your pumpkin’s light.

Some other simple tips for carving your pumpkin:

- Wash your pumpkins outsides before carving
- Consider buying a pumpkin carving kit if you plan to get more detailed
- Cut with a sawing motion
- Draw your pattern on paper, tape it to the pumpkin, and mark the lines using a knife or pin

Most importantly, kids shouldn’t carve pumpkins alone. Always have an adult around.

2. Paint with light.

Light painting is fun, easy, and only requires a camera and a glow stick or other light source. Set your camera up using a tripod. You’ll want to take the actual picture with the lights off, but keep the lights on to get your camera’s focus right. Turn off the flash, and turn on night mode. If your camera doesn’t have a night mode, you’ll have to set your ISO and shutter speed low. Alternately, turn on long exposure or manual exposure settings if possible.

From there, click the shutter and use your glow sticks to paint different patterns, shapes, or words until the shutter closes. This may take some experimentation and a bit of speed with your painting depending on your camera, but you should have some great pictures in no time.

3. Make a lantern or night light.

Place a glow stick inside a frosted spray paint or a frosted jar. The frost spreads the glow while also softening it up, making it a perfect decorative light for your home, camping lantern, or night light for the kids.

Glow sticks offer a wide range of uses. What are some of your favorite things to do with LED glow sticks?

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