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What To Do During A Tornado

Tornadoes: They are nature’s most violent storm. 




Last week we covered how to be prepared for a tornado before they strike. But what happens if little, or no, warning is given? Because tornadoes develop so rapidly, little or no advance warning is possible. Some are clearly visible, while others may be invisible to the eye when hidden in a low hanging cloud. A good warning sign of a tornado about to strike is if the wind dies down and the air becomes very still.


This week we are focusing on what to do if you find yourself in nature's most violent storm.





In a Structure:




1) Go to a predesignated safe spot or shelter, such as basements, storm cellars or the lowest possible level of the building. The inside of closets or hallways away from windows, outside walls and doors is best.


2) Find shelter under something sturdy, such as a table or bench if possible. Cover your head and neck.


3) Do not open windows. Put on sturdy shoes and clothes that cover your body if time.



If in a Mobile Home:




1) Leave the mobile home and find shelter in a building immediately on the lowest level.


2) Even tied down mobile homes are not safe and secure. A sturdy building is the best option if possible.



If Outside:




1) Get in your car and drive to the closest shelter if possible.


2) Pull your car over if you cannot make it to shelter. Stay in the car with your seatbelt on and your head down below the windows. Cover your head and neck.


3) If lower ground (lower than the level of the roadway) is close by, get out of you car, lay flat in that area and cover your head and neck.


Notes: Do not try to outrun a tornado. Staying in your car is safer than under a bridge or overpass. Watch for flying debris. Flying debris is the number one cause of fatalities and injuries from tornados.


Stay safe and be prepared!

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