Is your home safe?
The highest numbers of burglaries are reported during the summer months of July and August, primarily because families are away on vacation. Fortunately, there are things you can do this vacation season to make your home less of a target to would-be burglars. The list below provides 10 simple tips to help get you started.
Dorcy motion flood lights with motion detection are an excellent choice. Setup is easy, as the lights require no wiring of any kind. They also cut down on costs since they have long battery lives and only run when it is dark and motion is detected.
Trust these tips.
1. Lock and secure all doors and windows.
Make sure to lock all doors and windows in your home. Double check your windows. Don’t just assume they are all locked. If you live in a house or apartment with a window based air conditioner make sure to use brackets or stops to secure the window from inside. This is something many people forget, and would be burglars know this. Securing brackets come with window AC units but can be purchased at any hardware store if you don’t have them on hand. Otherwise, a window with an AC unit is an unlocked, easy to access entry point, with the unit itself acting as a billboard to attract potential burglars.
2. Have a trusted neighbor keep an eye on your property.
Even if you have a state of the art alarm system, it’s always a good idea have a set of eyes on your property. You can also ask your neighbor to gather your mail, newspapers, and other deliveries that get left on your property. Accumulated newspapers and mail tip off potential burglars that no one is home. A trusted neighbor can help prevent this. Another option is to ask the post office to hold your mail while you are away.
3. Keep your property well lit.
Keep your house well lit. Dorcy motion flood lights with motion detection are an excellent choice. Setup is easy, as the lights require no wiring of any kind. They also cut down on costs since they have long battery lives and only run when it is dark and motion is detected.
4. Set a few indoor lights to turn on and off with a timer.
Using a timer to turn on a few lights, as well as perhaps a TV or radio for a few hours in the evenings is an effective deterrent. If lights are turning on and off, burglars will assume someone is home doing so. It’s also a good idea to set the timers to start and end at odd times such as 7:15 to 10: 15 as opposed to 7 to 10 pm, if possible. This creates an appearance of randomness to the turning on and off of the lights.
5. Don’t tell people on Facebook or social media that you are going on vacation.
While it may be tempting to share vacation pictures of the exotic locations you are visiting, such posts should wait until you have returned home. If you must share pics or updates, do so only through direct messages to trusted friends and family.
6. Alert local law enforcement.
If you’re going out of town for a week or more, let local law enforcement know. Local police will often make it a point to check on your home while they are out patrolling. Not every city’s law enforcement service provides this, but it never hurts to ask.
7. Keep the landscape trimmed.
As said before, it is important to make your home appear as though everyone is home and daily life is going along as usual. If you always keep your yard freshly mowed and it all of a sudden looks overgrown, people will notice. If you’re going out of town for a week or more you might consider hiring someone to mow and trim your lawn.
8. Don’t leave your key in an obvious place.
A fake rock in the yard isn’t going to fool anyone, and leaving a key under the doormat is only slightly better than just leaving your doors unlocked. Flower pots, ledges, window sills, etc. are bad choices as well. Your best option is to give your key to a trusted neighbor.
9. Invest in an alarm system to protect your family and your belongings.
Alarm systems are more affordable and more technologically advanced than ever before. Many new systems are wireless and do not require annual contracts or complex installations. There are also many traditional alarm and security services to choose from. Whatever your particular need, if you haven’t looked at alarms systems in a while, it’s certainly worth another look.
10. Do not enter a home if it looks like it has been entered illegally.
If you happen to return from vacation and your home looks like it has been illegally entered, do not enter the property. Leave the premises and call the police.
These, of course, are only a few tips to help secure your home while away on vacation. You can find many more articles, tips, and resources online. Further research is recommended as each home situation is unique. A little time spent surfing and researching can help give you peace of mind while you are away and allow you to enjoy the vacation you deserve.